Cross-Cut Saw Class, July 8-9, 2017

by Karen Lopes

Dave Moser and Pat Sheffler taught the re-certification classes for the Crosscut Saw (July 8th) and Chainsaws (July 9) to several of our BCHC Mid Valley members. The Crosscut Saw class began at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday morning at the Summit Ranger Station, where we took care of paperwork, and viewed the slideshow presentation outlining the new safety protocol, as well as reviewing the regulations regarding crosscut saw use. Dave reviewed all of the new forms which are to be completed for each and every trail crew work project.

We also learned of the new “OHBEC” steps which are to be taken when a trail crew first approaches a downed tree:
O: State your OBJECTIVE. (“Our Objective is to clear this trail with an 8 foot clearance, keeping everyone safe in the process.”)
H: Hazards. (Look for Widow Makers, dead trees, cliffs, etc.)
B: Bind. (Where is the compression and/or tension? Is there a side bind? End bind?)
E: Escape route. (Which direction would be best to flee should you need a quick escape? Be sure to clear that area of debris.)
C: Cut. (Outline where the cuts will take place, how many, what type of equipment you may need . . . such as wedges, axes, etc.)

Once we finished with the classwork, we drove down to Bell Meadows, had our lunches, and then practiced with different saws and different axes. We then went around and outlined the OHBEC procedures for various tree scenarios that Dave and Pat presented. At the conclusion of the class, we took a test … and all passed with flying colors! Attendees on Saturday were Carl Perry, Dennis Worthington, Lee Owning, and Karen Lopes. Many Thanks to Dave and Pat for planning and putting on these valuable classes!

[Ed. Note: We have to use cross-cut saws instead of chain saws when we work in wilderness areas. It’s the law!.]

(Click on image below to view slide show)

Backcountry Horsemen of California - Mid Valley Unit

P.O. Box 1709
Modesto, CA  95353-1709

Questions about the Mid Valley Unit?  Ask Doug Dollarhide,


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